Valérie Lenoir, red currants grower at Mondescourt (France)

Valerie Lenoir produces soft fruits in Picardie (France) for the cooperative FRUIROSE, which are marketed by the company “Les fruits rouges de l’Aisne”. Since 2012, she specialized in the production of red and black currants. From the beginning, Ms. Lenoir has opted for an environmentally friendly production in which natural enemies are favored (e.g.: spontaneous vegetation between rows mowed once a year) and pesticides are only used as a last resort. For the control of aphids in her protected crops, she uses BerryProtect. “The mix of parasitoids brings me serenity. It is very easy to use and when installed early enough in the crop, it allows avoiding the use of insecticides, which is good from the point of view of the environment but also and especially for my health. Undoubtedly, BerryProtect will remain the basis of my aphid control strategy in the future. “

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